
Thursday, July 18, 2013

PSYBERNEWS, 4, 2, 2013

Please look at our old issues, new arrivals.
Please look at the writing format before submission of article.


Authors: Joseph Indelicato &  Karen Quadrini

Introduction to Authors:

Joseph Indelicato, LCSW, Ph.D. obtained his Ph.D. in Psychology from Hofstra University.He has varied research experience in effectiveness of medication, patient compliance and  the effects of diabetes on cognition.  He has taught on both the graduate and  undergraduate level in the area of health science. He is currently chair of undergraduate  social sciences at the Touro College School of Health Sciences.  He is also chair of Health Sciences Institutional Review Board.

Karen J. Quadrini, Ph.D. obtained her Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, NY. She has research experience in both academics and the biotechnology industry. Karen has spent the last few years teaching at the undergraduate level, and is the former Assistant Chairperson of Undergraduate Studies and Director of Science at Touro College School of Health Sciences where
she was responsible for all science curricula.

Key Words: Type 2 Diabetes, Cognition, Dementia.

Title: Rabindrik work value preferences
Author: Debdulal Dutta Roy & Debanjana Basu

Introduction to Authors:

D.Dutta Roy, Ph.D, is Assistant Professor of the Psychology Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He obtained his Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. His research interest is in Measurement in Psychology.

Ms. Debanjana Basu is pursuing Post-Graduation in Applied Psychology with HR as specialization from Rajabazar Science College, Calcutta University. Her research interest is in Organizational Behavior.
Authors: Gurpreet Kaur  & Swati Mukherjee
Introduction to Authors:

Introduction to Authors:

Dr (Ms) Gurpreet Kaur is working as Scientist ‘D’ at Defence Institute of  Psychological Research (DIPR), Delhi. She is working in the area of Intelligence, emotional intelligence and cognition. At present she is broadly working on projects related to test construction including on-line test and other projects related to
Indian Armed Forces and emotional intelligence. She has also completed her training from British Psychological Society on competence in occupational testing (Level A and Level B). She has been associate editor of a book entitled, Psychometric Testing in Armed Forces: Issues and Challenges published by Pentagon Press and also has co-authored a working manual on Situation Judgment Test. Besides this, she has to her credit chapters for various books and research papers in various journals. She has presented papers at various national and international conferences, seminars and workshops.

Ms. Swati Mukherjee is Scientist ‘D’ at Defence Institute of Psychological Research, Delhi. She has obtained her M.Phil. Degree from University of Delhi. She has been a Gold Medallist through her undergraduate and post-graduate study in applied psychology. She is involved in many major research projects of the Institute. She has to her credit a few publications in the form of journal articles and book chapters. She has been the associate editor of a volume on Recent Developments in Psychology
and has co-authored a manual on Suicide and Fratricide for the armed forces personnel and a manual on ‘Overcoming obsolescence & becoming creative in R&D environment’ for R&D organizations. Her areas of interest are social psychology and positive mental health practices. She is currently pursuing her doctoral research from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
Title:Psychosocial Risk Factors in Patients with Hypertension
Authors: Dharmender Kumar Nehra &  NovRattan Sharma

Introduction to Authors:
Dr. Dharmender Kumar Nehra, is a RCI registered Clinical Psychologist presently workingin State Institute of Mental Health, PGIMS, Rohtak. He passed his M.Sc.(Applied Psychology) from Guru Jambeshwar University, Hisar; M.Phil in Clinical psychology from Institute of Human Behaviour& Allied Sciences, Delhi; in addition he completed his Ph.D in Psychology from Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, under  the supervision of his ideal Dr. NovRattan Sharma. He has also gone through the Post
 Qualification Specialized Training in Behavioral Medicine Unit &Child & Adolescence
 Mental Health Unit of  National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore.

Dr. Nov Rattan Sharma is working as professor of Psychology at M. D. University, Rohtak. With a teaching and research experience of 30 years, Professor Sharma has contributed around 100 research articles to various Journals and books of International repute. Professor Sharma has  widely travelled in India with a participation in 80 different academic programs including National and International Seminars and Workshops. Being a deputy co-ordinator of DRS-II SAP of UGC in the Department, Professor Sharma is actively engaged in Health assessment and promotion programs being organized at village and community levels since more than last five years. His area of research is Personality and Health. He has successfully supervised a large number of M.Phil and Ph.D theses in the area of Health with a special reference to TrigunaPrakriti, Anashakti, Karmyoga, Rituals, religiosity, spirituality Positive Capacities and Interpersonal Relationships etc. He is also an editor of a prestigious periodical i.e. Journal of Indian Health Psychology.

Author: Brinda B. Sharma

Introduction to Author:
Brinda B. Sharma is a Lecturer in the Centre for Studies
in Behavioural Science (Applied Psychology), University of Dibrugarh.
She had been the Chancellor's prize Winner from S.N.D.T Women's University, Mumbai.
Her areas of research interest are Interpersonal relationships, Adolescents, Identity and Rejection Sensitivity.

Author: Priyanka

Introduction to Author:   Dr Priyanka, is presently working as Assistant Professor at
Government college Neem Ka Thana Sikar. The area of interest is Clinical Psychology and Mental health.

Author: Sumona Datta

Introduction to Author: Ms. Sumona Datta is Junior Research Fellow, Psychology Research Unit,
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
Title: SPSS tutorial: Conjoint analysis: A case of Tourist Preferences for Green Hotel Attributes
Author: Chia-jung Chou  &  Debdulal DuttaRoy

Introduction to Authors:     Dr. Chia-jung Chou received her Ph.D. degree in Public Affairs from National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 2007. She is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Hospitality Management at Tajen University. Her research interests are in the areas of green hospitality, sustainable tourism, tourist psychology and marketing. She has published some articles in Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management  and Journal of Tourism and Travel Marketing.

Dr. D.Dutta Roy, Ph.D, is Assistant Professor of the Psychology Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He obtained his Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. His research interest is in Measurement in Psychology.


  • Does season-related music facilitate cognitive tasks?

  • Who experience more Acculturation Stress?

  • Does “Learn to think” intervention enhance thinking ability?

  • What leads to Dissolution and Resolution of Romantic Relationship?

  • Mental Health Insurance

  • *********************************************************

  • Joseph Indelicato, Director of Undergraduate Psychology & Social Sciences,

  •     Touro College School of Health Sciences, New York.
  • Ravi Gunthey, Department of Psychology, Jai Narain Vais University, Jodhpur

  • Amitava Bandopadhyay, SQC &OR Unit, Indian Statistical Institute,Kolkata

  • Prasanta Kumar Roy, Asst. Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry,Kolkata.

  • R.N.Rai,Centre for Distance Education,North Eastern Hill University,Shillong

  • Sumedha Banerjee, Cadabam's Group of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,Bangalore

  • ========================================================================
    Editor's Note:

    Theme: CONJOINT

    Dear Readers,

    In psychological research, the most critical issue is to examine interplay among multiple entities for specific outcome. Some issues are interplay between somatic complaints and Psychological changes, between job satisfaction and perception of organization. Conjoint analysis is useful multivariate statistical tool to understand this interplay. Chia-Jung-Chou, Tajen University, Taiwan, and Dutta Roy presented one SPSS tutorial on conjoint analysis. Here, you will find concept of green hotel.
            This volume provides you more research paper on interplays of different entities. World Health Organization reports that worldwide, raised blood pressure is estimated to cause 7.5 million deaths, about 12.8% of the total of all deaths (WHO, 2013). Dharmendra Kumar Nehra and NovRattan Sharma reviewed series of researches on hypertension and concluded that psychological management must be added to a comprehensive system of care for people with hypertension. In another research review on Diabetes and Cognition, Joseph Indelicato and Karen Quardrini, Touro College School of Health Sciences, New York, found that Diabetes is linked with Dementia. They inferred that since Diabetes is a potential cause of Dementia, screening must be done to provide additional support. Both diseases are related to stress. Jacobson's Progressive relaxation is useful technique for stress management.  Priyanka by using pre-post intervention noted significant decrease in stress level through progressive relaxation.
     Social psychological research needs to be culture specific. Value system is the strong determinant of human behavior. D. DuttaRoy and Debanjana Basu examined hierarchical pattern of individual values related to work. These values were extracted from Rabindrasangeet composed by Rabindranath Tagore.
     With the advent of computer technology, Psychological testing moves from traditional paper-pencil test to computer aided administration and scoring. Gurpreet Kaur and Swati Mukherjee discuss various ways in which computer technology interacts with testing technology in order to facilitate comprehensive psychological assessment.
    In the reflective section, Brinda B. Sharma highlighted the contingencies of self-worth and rejection sensitivity among adolescents.
    As always, one article has been provided on the analysis of the International Conference of Applied Psychology, 2012 held at Lahore, Pakistan as this kind of analysis provides an insight into the kind and variety of researches that are being conducted in the different parts of the world. Last but not the least, a number of research news has been provided in different domains of Psychology.

    I am thankful to the esteemed members of the editorial board for completion of blind review in time. I am requesting you to submit your valuable thoughts for our reflective column and encourage your students to contribute article.

    I am deeply thankful to all the authors who spent their valuable time and energy to publish their articles in this issue. Before signing off I assure you that all the articles in this issue will give you new insight in inclusive psychological research.

    Enjoy reading!
    D. Dutta Roy


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