
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Format to write in PSYBER NEWS Journal

Please read earlier issue of the journal to understand format of writing the paper.
Please submit your paper in Ms-office 2003 Word document version. For research article, word limit is 4000. And for others except freelance research news, word limit is 2000. For freelance research news, word limit is 300. Please save your file with the title of your paper as file name. Please read the followings before submission of your research paper.

  1. Title of paper:
  2. Abstract of paper:
  3. Name of Author(s):
  4. Date of submission:
  5. Address of affiliated institute (Department and Institute name) :
    Addresses of Authors, phone no(s). and E-mail(s):
  6. Declaration of Conflicting Interests: The author(s) declared no conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.The article has not been sent anywhere for publication. .
  7. Introduction and photo in Jpeg format. Please write your introduction as brief as possible in text mode (without attachment). Please send your photo in jpeg format as attachment.

It will be brief and not over generalized. Title is related to Abstract and abstract should be related to main text.

Please follow format to write case study here

Abstract is used for searching interested reviewers. It should focus on what author
addresses sequentially. Second it includes the way to examine the idea and the related methods. The independent and dependent variables must be clear. Key words will be below abstract.

Main text:

  1. Technical terms and key words will be defined properly so that reader can relate the meaning with main text.
  2. Avoid sweeping comment. Each comment will be justified with empirical evidences or examples.
  3. Avoid unnecessary 'the'
  4. Full title of the acronym is to be be mentioned at first before its repeated use in the text. Acronym disturbs flow of reading.
  5. Psychological tools will be mentioned along with its psychometric properties and scoring. This helps readers to understand the descriptive and inferential statistics used in the results.
  6. In writing experimental study, the procedure of data collection will include the details about controlling of intervening variables. Research design should mention the independent, dependent and intervening variables.

  1. Lead Author
    As a practical matter in the case of publications with multiple authors, one author should be designated as the lead author. The lead author assumes overall responsibility for the manuscript, and also often serves as the managerial and corresponding author, as well as providing a significant contribution to the research effort. A lead author is not necessarily the principal investigator or project leader. The lead author is responsible for:
    1. Authorship: Including as co-authors all and only those individuals who meet the authorship criteria set forth in this policy.
    2. Approval: Providing the draft of the manuscript to each individual contributing author for review and consent for authorship. The lead author should obtain from all coauthors their agreement to be designated as such and their approval of the manuscript. A journal may have specific requirements governing author review and consent, which must be followed.
    3. Integrity: The lead author is responsible for the integrity of the work as a whole, and ensuring that reasonable care and effort has been taken to determine that all the data are complete, accurate, and reasonably interpreted.
  2. Co-authors
    All co-authors of a publication are responsible for:
    1. Authorship: By providing consent to authorship to the lead author, co-authors acknowledge that they meet the authorship criteria set forth in section 1 of this policy. A coauthor should have participated sufficiently in the work to take responsibility for appropriate portions of the content.
    2. Approval: By providing consent to authorship to the lead author, co-authors are acknowledging that they have reviewed and approved the manuscript.
    3. Integrity: Each co-author is responsible for the content of all appropriate portions of the manuscript, including the integrity of any applicable research.
    An individual retains the right to refuse co-authorship of a manuscript if s/he does not satisfy the criteria for authorship.
  3. Acknowledgments
    Individuals who may have made some contribution to a publication, but who do not meet the criteria for authorship, such as staff, editorial assistants, medical writers, or other individuals, can provide a valuable contribution to the writing and editing of publications. Since those contributions do not meet the criteria for authorship under this policy, those individuals should be listed in an acknowledgement and/or contributorship section of the work.

Editor's observation: Review process takes time due to some limitations in presentation. These are (a) absence of the operational definition of all research variables; (b) absence of justification for their inclusion in current research; (c) absence of sample items to assess research constructs, reliability and validity of the instrument used. (d) absence of indication by the total score; (e) absence of discussion with available theories or own insight about research findings. Please include the above in your text. Best of luck!

References should be numbered. Font size will be 12 with Times New Roman type.
Use Surname first. Source will be italics. So, book title, journal names, title of project report, drafts, abstracts should be in italics. References for the Project report,unpublished dissertation, draft will focus submission to. In case of journal references, vol, no.and page number will be within comma.
Some examples are given below:

    For unpublished dissertation

  1. Datta A. (2008). Determination of Neural Substrates underlying cognitive functions in patients with focal brain lesions. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta.
    For Journal
  2. Lawrence,AD,Sahakian,BJ,Hodges,JR,Rosser,AE,Lange,KW,Robbins,TW(1996). Executive and mnemonic functions in early Huntinghton’s disease, Brain,119, 5,1633-1645.
    For Book
  3. Stuss, D.T. and Knight, R.T. (2002). Principles of frontal lobe function. New York: Oxford University Press.
    For edited Book
  4. Atkinson, J. W. and Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human Memory: A Proposed System and its Control Processes. In K. W. Spence (Ed.), The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory. (Vol.2, pp. 89-105), NY: Academic Press.
    For Web site
  5. Neuroplasticity - Retrieved from dated 27.3.2012.

For reporting statistics

  • Correlation: r(N-2)=value,p<0.05/0.01>
  • Chi-square: Chi-square(df)=value,p<0.05/0.01>
  • F-value: F(df1,df2)=value,p<0.05/0.01>


  1. Firstly, secondly, thirdly. It will be First, second and third.
  2. It ranges from -0.64 - -0.74.. It will be -0.64 to -0.74.
  3. Males/Females : Male/female respondents or Men and Women according to age.


After reference, write this statement to avoid
: Please check whether your article has been plagiarized using specific software.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests:
The author(s) declared no conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this.

Review process will be time taking if you make drastic change in your manuscript based on the comment of reviewer. Please follow tracking modes in the word document so that your specific modification can be understood. Please submit your revised manuscript in Ms-Word 2003 format or Rich text format. Sorry for inconveniences.

Authors will be requested to submit photo and brief introduction when the manuscript has been accepted for publication. Photo should be in jpeg format separated from word document. If there are two or more than two authors, each author's photo should be separated. Introduction should be very brief and related to given article.