
Thursday, September 18, 2014


CATEGORIESTitleReceiving dateCurrent StatusDate of acceptance for publication
EMPIRICAL RESEARCHTwo is better than One: Adolescents with siblings are better-adjusted than single-borne 24.5.14LIKELY TO BE ACCEPTED AS SHORT ARTICLE
EMPIRICAL RESEARCHCorrespondence between Conference Abstracts and the Regions15.6.14ACCEPTED 15.9.14
CASE STUDYA Case Study: Treatment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy21.6.14REGRETTED18.9.14
EMPIRICAL RESEARCHDaily Journaling Format for Improved Emotional Regulation in Young Woman3.7.14ACCEPTED15.9.14
EMPIRICAL RESEARCHLevel of Family Pathology: A Comparison between Joint and Nuclear Families19.6.14ACCEPTED15.9.14
EMPIRICAL RESEARCHEmpirical study for detection of factors influencing adoption of New generation (4G)services.2.8.14ACCEPTED11.9.14
SPSS TUTORIALStructure of Rabindrik Human Values: Tutorial on PCA3.6.14ACCEPTED14.8.14
BOOK REVIEWBook Review: Young Tagore6.6.14ACCEPTED11.8.14

Authors willing to contribute the papers are requested to follow the formatobjectives of the journal and Abstract of old issues for quick evaluation. Please note that Editorial Board is engaged in assisting your paper to publish in time. For empirical studies, please write in details the methods so that other researcher can test your theory. 
PSYBER NEWS focuses on methods of research in Psychology and it's allied sciences. You are welcome to contribute articles on any of the 10 columns. We follow peer review/blind review/external review so that authors can be enlightened with more new inputs to improve the article. Please send your article as soon as possible:
1. Empirical studies
2. Research review (Review of the literature with specific research question)
3. Case study (Some new observation or findings about new cases)
4. History of Research on Psychology (History of any Psychological techniques or tools or measurement issues or any development)
5. Reflective (Reflective thoughts about any research method or techniques in Psychology)
6. Tutorial (Class room type article about any technique)
7. Research news (Brief news about new development of research)
8. Conference/seminar abstract analysis (exploring some perspectives out of the analysis)
9. Book review
10. Know thy institute/ NGO (The History, Objectives, Current activities and future research with photo)
Word limits :

  1. 4000 for 1-6
  2. 300 for 7
  3. 2000 for 8-10
Authors with accepted papers are requested to send their brief introduction, photo with jpeg format and certificate of declaration as soon as possible.

Red: Regretted; Yellow: good; Green: Accepted

Review process will be time taking if you make drastic change in your manuscript based on the comment of reviewer. Please follow tracking modes in the word document so that your specific modification can be understood. Please submit your revised manuscript in Ms-Word 2003 format or Rich text format. Sorry for inconveniences.


Authors will be requested to submit photo and brief introduction when the manuscript has been accepted for publication. Photo should be in jpeg format separated from word document. If there are two or more than two authors, each author's photo should be separated. Introduction should be very brief and related to given article.


  1. Sir,
    As per informed, the research paper accepted for publication was in the January 2014 issue of your journal. I haven't yet received any progress report sir. please be kind to let me know whether my research paper is published as you have informed.

    Thanking You

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