Board of Editorial consultants includes experts of different universities in abroad and in India.
It includes four columns:
1. On point
2. Research tips
3. Research articles
4. News
On point: It includes brief note (within 150 words with some pictures if available) about research findings, discoveries, major breakthrough in any published or unpublished documents of psychological research. This makes possible psychological researches under one umbrella.
Example: Is WISC effective in assessing cognitive functions of autistic children ?
Research tips: It includes tips for researches.
Example: How do you find outlier in your data ?
Research articles: It includes
- judgment about existing paradigms of psychological research and the application of decision-making models
- development,validation, and application of assessment instruments
- history of psychological research
- tutorial articles
- review of quantitative and qualitative research
- document mining and psycho informatics.
Authors are requested to follow APA format in sending articles. Article should be need based, simple and easy to understand. Avoid over generalization. Technical terms should be defined so that readers especially student communities can understand without much effort. The magazine does not invite article concerned with theory development but critical appraisal of existing research methods using case studies.
Authors are requested to use picture or image file and multimedia as the magazine will be available in both print and internet modes.
News section is about
- Announcement or proceedings of conferences
- Announcement or proceedings of workshops
- Interviews
- Publication of test materials
- Innovation in the psychology department of university or research institute
There are two stages in submission of articles - (a) abstract submission (b) full paper submission
Abstract submission guidelines
Authors are requested to submit abstract according to following guidelines. The abstract will be blind reviewed by the members of the Editorial board. So, write your name and other details in separate sheet. Abstract length will be 200 words.
Below are the guidelines for submission of abstract.
(a) Title of the paper
(b) Author/s
(c) Author/s' Title/Position and Institutional Affiliation (if there are more than one
institutional affiliations, please indicate which author belong to what institution; do the same for the author/s' title/position.
(d) Contact information: Postal address, E-mail, Telephone no: (Cell phone and land line)
(e) Abstract : General outlines including Background, Aims, Methods, Expected contribution
(f) Keywords (provide at least three key words for your abstract/s)
Use Times New Romans, font size 12.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the content of their abstracts and full paper.
Full paper submission guidelines
Authors are requested to follow APA format in submission of full paper with 2000 words.
1. History of Psychological Testing before First World War
2. First foothold of Psychology in India
3. Pre-requisites of Psychological testing
4. Cognitive assessment of the visually impaired
5.Guidelines for Psychological test adaptation
6. Psychoinformatics: Innovation in mining randomized data
First volume of the magazine will be published soon.
For the next volume, I am inviting article on any of the following issue:
- Indigenization of Psychological testing
- Historical accounts of the department of psychology in any university of India and abroad
- Historical accounts of Psychological testing lab
- Description of any experimental apparatus and its underlying history
- Pre-requisites of Psychological testing for any group of mental illness/cognitive impairment
- Methodology for Psychological test construction
- Problems of online psychological testing
- Qualitative research methodology like transcript analysis, evidence based research
- Data warehouse, data mining etc based on online telephone interview, social network group, internet chat, blog analysis, abstract analysis, library data analysis
Please send your abstract with 200 words before sending full paper of 2000 words.
With regards,
Dr. D.Dutta Roy,Ph.D. (Psy.)
Editor's homepage:
Please send your article (abstract in non attachment only) directly to:
or E-mail:
Yahoo group for sharing thoughts and ideas: Yahoo group
Welcome your feedback in the comment section